Startup Programs > Cache γραμματοÀó­s®pøìëÒ ê:ÿ:Ó:ÿ:ó:» Π PresentationFontCache.exe
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Cache γραμματοÀó­s®pøìëÒ ê:ÿ:Ó:ÿ:ó:» Π PresentationFontCache.exe

Item Name: Cache γραμματοÀó­s®pøìëÒ ê:ÿ:Ó:ÿ:ó:» Π File Name: PresentationFontCache.exe
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coresyncx64  coresync_x64.dll CDPUserSvc_69faf  svchost.exe CyberGhost 6 Service  CyberGhost.Service.exe
Corsair LINK 4  CorsairLink4.exe Corsair LINK 4  CorsairLink4.Service.exe CDPUserSvc_38386  svchost.exe Movie Resident Program  clear.fiMovieService.exe Canon Advanced Printing Technology Printer Status   CNAB4LAD.EXE Console IME  conime.exe
CDPUserSvc_430aa  svchost.exe CyberLink PowerDVD Resident Program  PDVDDXSrv.exe CyberLink PowerDVD Resident Program  PDVDDXSrv.exe
CyberLink PowerDVD Resident Program  PDVDDXSrv.exe CDPUserSvc_641e5  svchost.exe Canon Advanced Printing Technology Printer Status   CNAB4LAK.EXE
CORESHREDDER  Coreshredder.exe  UpdateChecker.exe  UpdateChecker.exe  UpdateChecker.exe Certificate Expiration Check Utility  aetcrss1.exe COMODO Telemetry {18AD3DFA-30C0-4B5F-84F7-F1870B1A  cis.exe
conduit  ez-rc-tray.exe Corel License Validation Service V2, Powered by ar  PsiService_2.exe CLaunch Program Launcher  CLaunch.exe
Chess Titans  prsetup.exe Cache tipi di carattere Windows Presentation Found  PresentationFontCache.exe CCleaner Update.job  CCUpdate.exe
Cache de police de Windows Presentation Foundation  PresentationFontCache.exe CDPUserSvc_2f1c3  svchost.exe CFD.exe  CFD.exe
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